Fri, 11/10/2023 - 09:20

Endolla Barcelona, will be adding five new operators to their interoperability strategy. Bosch, Zunder, Wenea, Efimob and Spirii customers will be able to use Endolla Barcelona’s charging points without having to download a new app. The integration will be carried out gradually, at the start of 2024.
This means that there will now be 10 operators and suppliers of electric mobility integrated into the Endolla Barcelona network after the first five companies joined last year in a first phase: Electromaps, Etecnic, Iberdrola, Place to Plug and Shell Recharge Solutions.

Bringing the Endolla network closer to the citizens

This permeability makes Endolla Barcelona a public service that places electric-vehicle users at the centre, providing them the best experience. Thanks to these additions, users can locate any of Endolla Barcelona’s 720 charging points from their usual electromobility app, activate charging from their mobile device and pay quickly and easily, without the need for making a new registration or downloading another app.  
BSM thus continues to make progress in its commitment to promoting the use of electric vehicles. For the First Deputy Mayor and Chair of BSM, Laia Bonet, “interoperability is currently one of the most notable challengesfacing electric mobility, and public-private alliances such as these represent big advances. The Endolla Barcelona agreement with these five electromobility operators, and those yet to come, will make the charging infrastructure more accessible, not just for Barcelona’s residents, but for all visitors alike”.

Endolla Barcelona, the Spanish State’s leading public electromobility network

Boasting 720 charging points, Endolla Barcelona is currently the Spanish State’s largest public electromobility network, with an average 96% availability of service. Endolla Barcelona also plans to have 1,000 charging points operational by the end of 2023
The city has 12.5 public-use points per km2, with a charging point for every existing 16.5 electric vehicles. These figures make Barcelona the second largest European city in number of charging points per km2, after Stockholm; and the fourth largest in number of points per resident, after Stockholm, Gothenburg and Oslo.
The new charging points will be located in the B:SM Car Parks Networks, where 7 out of every 10 existing points are already concentrated. This roll-out strategy is promoting a uniform expansion throughout the city's neighbourhoods minimizing occupation of public space, reducing other parking-associated effects and encouraging planned recharges during off-peak hours


Finançat per la Unió Europea - NextGenerationEU i el Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència.



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