Thu, 09/16/2021 - 12:14

Global warming of the planet is a reality and the increase in the Earth’s temperature, caused by greenhouse gas emissions, is causing meteorological changes that have never been produced naturally. 

So below you will discover 5 environmental conservation actions that we can carry out to halt global warming.

What might happen if the Earth’s temperature continues to rise?

In the Paris Agreement, most of the world’s countries agreed in 2015 to maintain the global increase in temperature below 2ºC, as an increase above that would mean irreversible changes in the ecosystem for the environment.

To prevent the planet’s temperature rising more than 2ºC, CO2 emissions would have to be reduced by 45% no later than 2030. According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change if we carry on as we have until now, they will only have been cut by 1%.

What ecological activities can we do on an individual level to take care of the environment?

There are a number of individual activities than can help to put a brake on global warming and thus protect the environment

Below we tell you about five types of activities for conserving the environment that you can do in your everyday lives:

  1. Reduce CO2 emissions by using green and sustainable transport, such as bikes or electric vehicles. Travel by public transport and share journeys with polluting vehicles.
  2. Save energy by turning lights off when there is natural light and use low energy bulbs. Make use of low energy electrical appliances and when the cold weather arrives, install thermostats that regulate the temperature properly.
  3. Use water responsibly to preserve the energy used to warm it and repair appliances that drip.
  4. Reduce, reuse and recycle by buying products with less plastic packaging, separate waste properly at home and give a second life to items that you have used.
  5. Make people aware of and sensitive to their family, social and work environment and the importance of taking care of the planet so they become proactive when it comes to taking action to reduce CO2 emissions.

The importance of educating children about alternative activities for the environment and its conservation

Teaching sustainable practices, raising awareness of environmental problems, fostering responsible consumption and interest in nature are ideas for promoting habits that help children to protect the planet.

Environmental education among children can help raise awareness of global warming so we can turn various types of environmental conservation into a lifestyle for everyone.

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